DDCC Darvel Lottery - Terms & Conditions 

Terms and Conditions were distributed and agreed by all the DDCC Darvel Lottery members

Lottery Administration

  • Darvel and District Community Council (DDCC) Darvel Lottery is managed by the DDCC on behalf of the DDCC Darvel Lottery Members. 
  • Decisions on the DDCC Darvel Lottery will be made by the DDCC using a democratic process and will be subject to voting by DDCC members. 
  • Decisions made by the DDCC using this democratic process are final.
  • Any decisions on the DDCC Darvel Lottery will be added to the DDCC monthly meeting minutes and will be posted on DDCC Facebook page.
  • Administration of the DDCC Darvel Lottery will be performed by a sub-group of the DDCC itself. This sub-group will have certain permissions and autonomy to run the lottery. 
  • On joining the DDCC Darvel Lottery the members are deemed to accept these Terms & Conditions. 
  • DDCC reserves the right to cancel and amend these terms and conditions.

Monthly Subscriptions

  • Any changes to the members personal details should be communicated as soon as practical to the DDCC administrators via email.
  • Monthly subscriptions should be in multiples of £5.00, each £5.00 entitles the member to a single entry in the draw.
  • The payment of the monthly subscription should be via direct payment into the DDCC Darvel Lottery bank account, preferably by standing order. No cash payments of monthly subscriptions are allowed.
  • Payments should be made prior to the 19th of each month to be included in that month’s draw. Payments received after the 19th will be included in the following month's draw.
  • If a person does not subscribe for 3 consecutive monthly draws, then they will be deemed to have withdrawn from the DDCC Darvel Lottery and that person’s details will be removed. If that person wishes to re-join the DDCC Darvel Lottery then the member will need to formally request re-joining.

Lottery Process

  • Winners will be chosen at random using software agreed by the DDCC. Results will be published in the DDCC committee minutes and on the DDCC Facebook. 
  • The draws will be completed live at the DDCC meeting where possible or in a separate location agreed by the DDCC should there be no scheduled monthly meeting. 
  • The member has the option for their details to remain private, if this option is chosen then if that member wins a prize their name will not be published as part of the results. 
  • All monthly draw winners will be notified by email from DDCC.lotterydarvel@aol.com and you will be asked to provide your bank details in order to receive your winner payment. (Remember to check your spam). This will be followed up with a telephone call if no reply to email is received

Prize Money

The amount of funds available for distribution as prize money will not be fixed and will be a proportion of the monies received through the members subscriptions received for that month. 

  • The monthly allocation for prize money will be 50% of the total subscriptions received for that month. Of this monthly prize allocation, the prize money will be shared between 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize based on the following formula.
    • 1st Prize Winner 80%
    • 2nd Prize Winner 10%
    • 3rd Prize Winner 10%

(For example, if the total number of subscriptions received that month was £2000. The prize fund for that month would be set at £1000, 1st prize winner would receive £800, with 2nd and 3rd receiving £100 each).

  • The remaining 50% of the monthly subscriptions received will be split equally between a funding pot which will be available for the community projects and the DDCC. 
  • Monies allocated to the DDCC will use these funds to cover, running costs for the lottery, for example lottery bank charges, lottery promotion, Gambling Licence fees, website. Will also cover DDCC related expenses , such as funding of local Police Cars defibrillators and pads and local community events. 

Lottery Communication

  • The DDCC will communicate to its members either directly through the official lottery email address or through the DDCC Facebook page. The DDCC will not communicate to its members through any other Facebook page.
  • The DDCC is committed to full transparency with its members. Each member will know exactly how each of their £5 subscriptions is allocated and they will have their say in how 25% of their subscription is spent. As such, prior to each draw, the following information will be communicated directly to the members.
  1. Total subscriptions received for that month.
  2. The Total prize fund for that month.
  3. The contribution to the fund pot available for community projects from that month’s subscriptions
  4. Funds allocated to the DDCC for that month.
  • The DDCC Darvel Lottery will also produce a report to be presented at the DDCC monthly meeting with the details listed above. This report will be included in the DDCC monthly meeting minutes.
  • The DDCC Darvel Lottery will also submit a lottery report to the East Ayrshire licensing board to comply with its Anti Money Laundering obligations.
  • If members have issues with the DDCC Darvel Lottery then these should be directed through their official email address or through the DDCC Facebook. The DDCC neither controls nor monitors any other channels including any other FB pages. Please be aware that any questions or comments posted on any other platforms may not get a response.

Personal Data

DDCC Darvel Lottery will only collect such information that is necessary for the operation of the lottery. 

  • All information will be securely stored on password protected files and will not be available to any unauthorised party. 
  • Any personal data relating to members and winners will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent

Responsible Gambling

  • The DDCC Darvel Lottery exists primarily for raising funds for community and other projects. 
  • It is intended to be a fun way for people to support their local community and it should not have a detrimental effect. The lottery will be operated on a socially responsible basis. 
  • The gambling commission regulates gambling in the public interest. The DDCC Darvel lottery will operate within the framework of the Gambling Act 2005. 
  • In the event that you feel that you, or someone you know, is concerned about the amount being gambled or that it is becoming a problem which is getting out of control, the following links may be of assistance. 
  • GAMBLE AWARE (registered charity) 0345 6000133 (8.00am to midnight 7 days a week) or visit website, www.begambleaware.org 
  • GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk 
  • CITIZENS ADVICE www.citizensadvice.org.uk
  • GAMBLING COMMISSION www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk

Community Projects - Funding

Funds for Community Projects

  •  Community funds are distributed at least once a year in support of local community projects subject to funds raised.
  • The allocation timetable will be agreed by the DDCC, and members will be notified.
  • All local constituted groups will be invited to apply. 
  • DDCC Darvel Lottery members will have the opportunity to vote on the submitted proposals. 
  • All applicants for funding from the DDCC Darvel Lottery will be required to abide by terms and conditions detailed below.



  • Appropriate application form to be completed detailing the project, benefits, costs with appropriate estimates. 
  • Successful applicants are required to submit receipts or alternatively the lottery will pay invoices directly to suppliers of goods and services. 
  • There should be a plaque or sign erected to say that the project/work completed was funded by DDCC Darvel Lottery. 
  • Funds are required to be spent within the agreed time scales set by the DDCC.
  • Monies can only be used for the project they are applied for and cannot be reallocated to anything else. 
  • No two consecutive applications/allocations will be accepted.

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