DDCC Darvel Lottery

The Darvel and District Community Council (DDCC) Darvel Lottery is managed by the DDCC on behalf of the DDCC Darvel Lottery Members. 

DDCC Darvel Lottery click buttons below  to have a chance of wining a 1 of 3 monthly cash prizes

Draws are completed as part of the DDCC monthly meeting where possible.

Upcoming Draws 

Wed 29th May 2024


Previous Draw Winners

DDCC Darvel 
 Community Funding

2018 to Present

  1.  4-hr defibrillator at Hastings Square
  2. Sensory Studio Darvel ECC
  3. Security Cameras Sports Darvel
  4. Trail Cameras Darvel Hedgehog Group
  5. Improvements Darvel PS Playground
  6. Morton Park Railings DIG
  7. Wildflower Seeds Bee'ing Better Project
  8. Food Packs DART Covid Support Team
  9. Soft Play Sports Darvel
  10. Upgrade Waterlip Walking Path
  11. Wellbeing Room Darvel ECC 
  12. Funding   Foodbank 
  13. Outdoor Trail & Gym Sports Darvel
  14. Renovation Study Alexander Morton Statue
  15. Additions  Girl Guide Garden
  16. Contributions Darvel Ukraine Appeal
  17. Soft Landscaping The Corner DART
  18. Xmas Lights Community Council
  19. Operational Funding Community Council
  20. Would you like to apply for funding for your community project?

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Thank You! We will get back to you as soon as possible. ddcc.lotterydarvel@aol

Contact us

E-mail: DDCC.lotterydarvel@aol.com


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